I am Going to Antarctica!

It has been a month and half since I was invited to participate in a research trip to Palmer Station, Antarctica from April to July 2013, and it is finally starting to feel real. My research advisor Dr. Johanne Lewis at GSU was invited to go to Antarctica by polar researchers Dr. Kristin O’Brien from University of Alaska and Dr. Lisa Crockett from Ohio University. When a spot was created,  I was invited to fill it. For the longest time I did not tell people because I was waiting to wake up from my dream or waiting to see if I would get an email telling me that the invitation was meant for someone else.  Now after a month and half I can finally accept it is going to happen, which means I need to start preparing to leave. Part of the preparation includes starting a blog to record all my preparation activities until I deploy to the icy continent, which I will of course constantly update while I am down in Antarctica. The best part is that this research trip is completely funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant through Drs. O’Brien and Crockett. XD Continue reading